Sunday, January 27, 2008
Cervix Extremely High 3 Days To Period
DVD documentary is a film that illustrates in a sensitive way, as our money - compounding system works and why we avoid looking, for whom it brings disadvantages. Everyone loves the idea to let his money work for you and secretly hopes someday to get into that situation. Therefore, has so far avoided any in the company to designate the root cause of poverty, wars and growth forced clear. Compound interest systems are growing exponentially and mathematically are not only inhuman and unspiritual, but also mathematically impossible to sustain. Therefore, the compound interest system in the Bible and the Koran is forbidden: The public debt of the United States is officially at 8.5 trillion dollars, what it really is, is anybody's guess.
The money supply growth in the U.S. (M3) has been 2006 no longer published
demand in West Germany the banks for a loan of between 4% and 16%. In financial Risokogebieten the third world up to 40%. The money supply in the country (M3) has actually milwachsen by this percentage, otherwise it is mathematically impossible to return all the money. If on an island 100, - € in circulation and I 100, - € borrow to ten percent interest, I have after a year of 110, - € return. The ten € have to be reprinted. So that the money is not worthless, the economy must grow by the same percentage (growth force). As we in Germany but have only an economic growth of between 0.5 and 2.5%, our money is falling continuously. The mark from 1949 to 2001 by 80% and the euro by 50% from 2001 to 2008. With the purely notional compound interest development can never keep up with a real economy. Any company with compound interest of this system could maintain only a few decades to a collapse came. In the run it was always lead to higher taxes, increased bureaucracy, decline of morals in business and among the unemployed and young people (Günther Hainich, stock market crash and Great Depression -
The road to World War III , Kopp Verlag).
may be somewhat delayed by the collapse of reduction in social expenditure such as Hartz IV The sale of state property, even if this must then be lent by the owners back (gas and electricity stations, schools, hospitals, prisons, telecommunications, postal and railway. With the opening up of new markets, even if they are unethical and dangerous, such as genetic engineering or mobile. by Most importantly, wars, which always create new Absafzmärkte.are since 1949 have died and more people in war than in the Second World War.
- The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have opened the U.S. and participating allies high markets. If all this rich, there is legitimate concern that is developing a global war (Jan van Helsing, The Third World War) . the exponentially growing debts are growing exponentially · also receivables from the Bank side. For each crash, there are also winners. The properties that went to people lost on Black Friday 1929 are not burned but were beneficial to the creditor banks. The same big banks that benefited in 1929 by money Werl decay would also be the beneficiaries of today, when our country, our companies and households go bankrupt. Because the collateral in the form of gold, company, real estate and land belonged to them then. It is no secret that already 95% of the money in the hands of less than 5% of the population. After another Bank crash, it would actually like the Monopoly: one is as good as anything.
Who owns Germany (BRD)? Such a document was from 2002 on the compound interest system of ARD, Panorama. The title makes it clear that the political content is determined by the person to whom the land belongs. The debt in Germany stiegen1972 only 3 billion by 2002 they increased to 12,000 billion € by 2008 to almost 1.6 trillion.
The show was broadcast publicly, then allegedly seized and all ... All "participants dismissed. (Loud
) Original: Panorama: "Germany must accept more new loans, only-in order to pay the interest and compound interest for the old debt. To pay back is not to be thought. A republic on credit: bad for the citizens, but good for the banks. For the glorious merit of the national debt ... lhnen is Germany. Borrowed the money from the Federal Republic of Germany Finance Agency, the umbrella organization of all tax offices. Liability coverage of some 25,500 €! Commercial register Frankfurt am Main (HRB 51 411), "End of quoteare alternatives to our system including compound interest at Author: Gerald White, a political scientist, the country's candidate in Hesse Violet Kassel BLZ 52090000 ctn. 112923004
Is counseling and healing meditations for politically explosive issues
Or order here directly, the revenues are used for retransmission - DVD should not be copied!
How Much Tungsten Cost
Chemtrails (chemistry tracks) -, forced chemotherapy for all
Health - written by Bombastus @ 10:31
The wordChemtrails for Chemical traces in the sky. These look at first as if it were ordinary contrails. Contrails are, however, entirely of water vapor and evaporate, depending on humidity and altitude of the aircraft in about 1 minute. There are no combustion residues, such as in a poorly controlled diesel engine.
Nevertheless, since about spring of 1999 in fact the world to see (and amplified in Germany), white streaks in the sky, which do not dissolve immediately behind the aircraft, but, depending on the wind strength all day stay in the sky. They dissolve slowly and not just at the source, but run like streaks and spinning yarns in the width and become thin. How well documented in photographs from over 50 countries, it is capable of more such chemtrails, a bright blue sky in the morning, on into a white hazy afternoon sky to convert.Reiner steam disappears almost immediately as the warm breath on a cold winter day. Contrails are pure water vapor, they occur at low humidity at high altitude, however, chemtrails are formed in each humidity and also at low level.
Few politicians like Monika Griefhahn (SPD) to give the use of chemtrails, although the project is in the so-called WellsBach Patent
described exactly as it is to see now. In March 1991, the two Chinese-born U.S. researcher David Chang and I-Fu Shih a request for grant. Your "Wells Bach" patent provides a solution to reduce global warming dar. In six kilometers high, metal-sprayed oxides, which convert the heat of the greenhouse gases and infrared waves to discharge into the space. This should result in a desired cooling effect. Concerned citizens in Germany, the weather turned for unexplained phenomena to the federal government weather offices and environmental organizations were often dismissed asSpinner
or followers ofconspiracy. For chemtrails or the like, there would be no evidence, it said. This has changed recently. On 16 February 2006 filed a private weather service the Bonn public prosecutor a complaint against "unknown". The Damn Team in July 2005 had found a band on his outstretched rain radar images. But it rained a drop. The display reads: "How did a subsequent analysis, these structures could not have been caused by natural weather phenomena, but could be caused by deliberate human intervention. . It is suspected that the radar image was actively influenced by exposure of particles or substances "Meanwhile, back, other weather researchers speak out and admit that they have often such a thing would have been observed - especially over North Germany for example, reported Jörg Asmus. meteorologist at the German Weather Service in Offenbach, the mirror (13/06) that he had in the night March 23, 2006 big rain clouds on the radar screen, but who were not. Asmus to the mirror. "I suspect there are scientific experiments and military exercises" by Asmus' speculation it could be an experiment was with wafer-thin Metallfädchen, which were sold in the airspace over the North Sea and therefore interfered with the meteorological equipment are also water samples at 400 -. . magnification shows the aluminum and Bariumfasern, which were, according to patent application, meant as a climate protection sun rays to reflect the actual cause of the global output would seem to be different: have due to the high metal content in the air already measured the electromagnetic conditions in the air changed so that rays of any kind can be passed better. With the so-called HAARP project, the U.S. officially investigated the effect of different rays when they are emitted into the atmosphere. This apparatus can also ELF (brain) send out waves, which can measure the brain of humans or control (mind control). This procedure is already being used in prisons and nightclubs (for euphoria). 1m basically you can trigger any state of mind with artificial ELF waves. addition to aluminum and Bariumpartikeln bacteria were also found in the chemtrails.
- For-use-of-Chemtrails - l999-are-respiratory disease in the U.S. total-much-more! " and also found in children. The death rate from respiratory diseases in the United States rose from 8 on 3 Place.
The constant spraying entails, according to Dr. Gwenn Scott generally weaken the immune system and promotes cancer.recommends Dr. Gwen Scott in general to prevent the mushrooms in the chemtrails:
* Garlic, Chinese mushrooms, Koloidales silver for drinking or as a nasal spray, tea tree oil for inhalation* * Against
aluminum, which leads to Alzheimer's :* Essential fatty acids, especially linseed oil, evening primrose oil oil and grill (fish oil) *
of Barium, which draws Potassium: * food supplement with potassium
* chemtrails contain magnesium, which, in conjunction with aluminum leads to blood clots
. *
relief can bring healing earth to - used internally - of purging the metals.
* Also ginger root and ginkgo biloba help with the blood thinner.
The DVD can be ordered via chemtrails donation
Gerald White, political scientists, regional list candidate in Hesse, the Violet, Holistic cancer consultant Serninarhausleiter
works full time with consulting and healing on various issues of transition to the new astronomical zodiac sign of Aquarius. He would like to inform about issues such as chemtrails Ua and calm at the same time, it is these issues among others, the Hopi and Mayan Indians were predicted: Just before the transition into the new era, there will be a time to cover in the cobwebs of the sky and where to buy anyone or can sell them if he is not the number of the devil, 666, added to his product. (In the EAN code containing 666 screens and Bible verse Revelation 13).Or order here directly, the revenues are used for retransmission - DVD may be copied!
However, I would like to point out that this is a highly controversial topic, which you may directly confronted with the powers! It raised many questions: Who knows it and why it is covered up
slopes the "bird flu" phenomena so that together, and thus the illegal killing of millions of poultry?
- The weakening of the immune system, new AIDS cases "be produced? Because AIDS is only
- indicated indirectly by a weakened immune system because it is a
- AIDS virus does not exist in reality - only be triggered by the massive drugs the actual symptoms of AIDS - and even death!
- We have the hospitals overflowing with patients suffering from respiratory diseases - how many at the hands of chemtrails? Who will one day made responsible for the deaths? , future-lung cancers are pushed to smoking - see the current anti-smoking laws - with which the government pretends that she would worry about the health of the population!
- Since we do not know So who is behind this crime in the world population lies, cover up and let politicians and authorities, specifically say the truth, I give the Council, in all contacts with officials noted that it relies on Basic Law Article 20 et seq. Although the former Federal President Roman Herzog pointed out that the Basic Law is 20 / 4 a joke, because he himself ad absurdum: you can not even call the courts, if the reference to GG 20 / 4 the legality of government and courts casts doubt!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
How Can My Hair Be Like Meagan Good
prison camp for young people? Final structure by turns cooking?