media interest around Sarrazin: refocusing solutions or anger? The waves of outrage that has been creating the appearance of Sarrazin's book Germany away for and against the stated hypothesis of the country are flooding seem to first sight to be genuine: It is true both that there are huge problems with the integration of some foreign groups, as is also true that Sarrazin Darwinian theories are just as unscientific as inhuman. But just when a thing so excited the minds, we recommend a closer look. If at
Weeks in such a massive campaign in the media takes place, the Bild newspaper for days high, the subject of Sarrazin on the first and second side, various talk shows not only Sarrazin, but opponents with no less extreme views can have their say, then turns otherwise, given the total control of media but the question of what the intention behind this hype.
It included a giant red herring. Suddenly rages a heated debate about whether Sarrazin is an arsonist (Frankfurter Rundschau) or against an extermination campaign is run (Hans-Olaf Henkel) whether the application of the Federal Bank board on which the dismissal was correct, or if he's not even more unpredictable is. What should be this crowded completely out of consciousness, is the fact that the global financial system is close to disintegration, and that the most important central banker of the world, including Bundesbank chief Axel Weber, have just decided in Jackson Hole, the money locks virtually unlimited turn up, making it the imminent threat of hyperinflation and thus provoke an expropriation of the population. Sarrazin
The spectacle is great, the public debate by the producers of financial crisis, the high-risk speculators, by the tax dollars funded rescue packages for banks and considerations for a real solution to the Crisis to shift and instead find other scapegoats. And what is there better than a problem that is real enough that it can stir up emotions and serve existing resentments?
Certainly an issue of politics, of all different government coalitions, on the one hand migrant workers and their families as a welcome and often low-skilled workers was to get into the country, and also up in the nineties to the thesis be noted that Germany was not an immigration country and we must therefore provide no adequate means for integration measures. Compulsory language courses and tests and bilingual learning programs would have to be present for decades before developing a whole generation could, parts of which are now actually unwilling to integrate. The answer can only be to make such legislation immediately.
And it is also true that Germany is in danger, alarming the demographic development and social peace is threatened. The main threat comes not from immigrants but from the financial policies associated with globalization, to its failure surely can not be the slightest doubt. And for this neo-liberal monetarist fiscal policy is precisely the brutal Totsparer Thilo Sarrazin a particularly prominent exponent, which boasts even more, responsible for monetary union to be, and has worked in the worst phase for the Trust. Moreover, his crude ideas were already known before he was inexplicably appointed to the board of the Bundesbank. But apparently disturbed his frigid attacks against Hartz-4 receiver and its brutal cuts in social benefits not his fellow board members. eliminate
The escalating now for over three years of system crisis and the inability of the political establishment, the causes of the crisis and to bring the financial and economic system in order demonstrates, but also a dramatic way the intellectual and moral bankruptcy the political class. This is reflected not least in the loss of the black-yellow coalition agreement in Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia. In light of these setbacks and even more the shocks which are imminent, it is obvious that it will come in Germany to realignments in the political spectrum.
The existential question here will be whether these new political formations and alliances will be based on the growing anger among the population - or on real solutions to overcome the crisis. The example of the early thirties, when the middle of the Depression and rising unemployment on the one Communists and National Socialists on the other Page delivered in battles should be a cautionary tale. Repealed
As with the fall of the Soviet Union of East Conflict West as an area of geostrategic manipulation for imperial purposes was, and was given to the disappearance of the enemy Soviet Union actually the basis for a real peace settlement, including Russia, were quick to members of this Anglo-American to replace imperial faction like Bernard Lewis and Samuel Huntington, the East-West conflict through the North-South conflict.
Samuel Huntington argued in his errors and wickedness only as an exuberant clash of cultures, there is an insurmountable conflict between Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism, and the debate run mainly on the confrontation between the West against the rest of the world, especially where the Muslim population pressures play a growing role.
Bernard Lewis, who comes from the Arab Bureau of British intelligence, is another pioneer Sarrazin. In 2004 he spoke to the world, Europe will be part of the Arab west, of the Maghreb. Militate in favor of migration and demography. Europeans would marry late and have few or no children, but there is a strong immigration: Turks in Germany, Arabs in France and Pakistanis in England. This would soon marry and have many children. According to current trends, Europe will by the end of the 21 century have Muslim majorities in the population. Thus, the original
Sarrazin not, he simply written off.
Obviously to orchestrate the media hype, the forthcoming political realignment in the direction of a "conservative party, the right of the CDU." Thus, the FOCUS reported in July (!) Of one of this magazine commissioned Emnid poll which found that every fifth German could imagine, to choose such a new party, a German "Tea Party". The staff of this would already exist. First called the article written by Michael Klonovsky Thilo Sarrazin, and then others, Paul Kirchhoff, Joachim Gauck, Peter Gauweiler, Oswald Metzger, Eva Hermann, Peter Sloterdijk and Hans-Olaf Henkel. After Sarrazin would then with his unspeakable award from the Jewish gene nor the media vortex escalated, then haunted the story on the Internet, establishing such a party is imminent, were also to Guttenberg, Roland Koch and Friedrich Merz mentioned as possible participants.
Whether such persons have now actually participated in those named by Klonovsky "backroom meetings" or not, and whether they think at all in that direction or not, should not be judged. Conspicuous is that at least some of them by their attacks on the welfare state, at least theoretically qualify for the quoted shift to the right.
If you see this process not only from a domestic perspective, there is a larger view. In France, President Sarkozy has just tried to win with its mass deportation of Roma to the potential voters of the National Front for itself, in several other European countries there was considerable electoral gains from populist and xenophobic parties.
Now these parties should not be lumped together - in Hungary and Slovakia, representatives of these parties to protect their populations savings against the brutal dictates of the EU - nor the people who practice alternative to the supposedly non-European policy of the established parties criticism. The great danger, however, is to channel this breakdown crisis of monetarism in the population well into the existing anger toward the racism and simultaneously to launch a populist attack on the welfare state. The experience of the thirties, should have given us the lesson that this mixture very well-fascist developments and major catastrophes can result.
It is during this period undoubtedly lead to a realignment of politics, but the parties represented in parliament have failed too. But this reorientation must be based on real solutions for overcoming the crisis, for which people have absolutely nothing to offer as Sarrazin.
In the U.S., the real opposition, not the tea-party movement, but a growing movement for the implementation of the NAWAPA project, a huge infrastructure and water project, which many states of Alaska along the Rocky Mountains to Mexico water and create three million jobs will be. In Germany, we need a similar movement that is more productive uses for the creation of many millions of new jobs, such as those by the proposal of the BüSo construction of the Eurasian Land-Bridge can be created.
For as are the problems of immigration and integration of migrants to solve? By creating an economic order that states such as Turkey or the Maghreb countries and thus brings a real development will encourage its citizens to stay in their homes. And as we industrialize as Berlin as a focal point for Eurasia and the development of the land bridge again, creating many new productive jobs, gives the young people with an immigrant background, an incentive and the opportunity to qualify, train, and as scientists, to integrate engineers and skilled workers in a booming economy. And that can it currently is not in fact from Berlin Wowereit and Sarrazin, which may not be rich, but not as sexy and more degenerate.
Therefore Sarrazin just shut up. And to write off the next time somewhere else - perhaps in the Sermon on the Mount.