Thursday, May 20, 2010

Reason 3 Orkester Sound Bank Cd

no to new Versailles diktat!

EU is unconstitutional as a state!
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

There is only one reasonable response to the daily escalating € Crisis: The experiment of the monetary union without political union must be declared to have failed, and the countries of Europe must once again the sovereign control of their own currency and economic policy received! Just as the EU Commission now plans to be with a European economic government and endless "bailouts", the tensions between the states only grow more, and it threatens an imminent hyperinflation in 1923 in the Weimar Republic.

Have Olli Rehn elected to office? No? This has no one. Still feel this gentleman to propose to his character Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner of the European Commission, called for a reform of the obvious failure of the Stability Pact, after the, the EU Commission to monitor and correct the setting of the budgets of EU Member States, even before the national parliaments should be admitted. Then we could save ourselves the farce with choosing well, as we call it the child by its name: It is about the consolidation of a supranational European dictatorship!

keeps on rules in the EU have a long time ago: The giant bailout package of 750 billion € violates the "no-bailout clause" the Maastricht Treaty, the ECB, which was supposed to ensure that the "€ as hard as the D-Mark" is, buy now himself as "junk"-rated government bonds printed, so in fact money and has become himself the bad bank.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF and thus an institution of which have states only recovered when they broke completely with it advisable, now that the EU is a financial Union is where it should be possible to "cross-shipments organize "to funding from one part to the other in plain text. The German taxpayer will be permanently the paymaster for all, when, how much and who gets to decide the then the gentlemen Rehn, Juncker, Barroso and Trichet. The EU would inflation and transfer community, in which Germany would have to pay far more than the sums being talked about now!

just took place in Zurich a meeting of top representatives of financial institutions, with Strauss-Kahn (IMF), Trichet (ECB), Draghi (Financial Stability), Axel Weber (Bundesbank) and others, which, inter alia as to the replacement of the dollar the world's reserve currency and the role of the yuan went. Apart from learning the completely resistant adherence to the monetarist model failure on the part of participants in this meeting was the scandalous the fact that of all George Soros present was. Soros, who has all the national wealth by speculation against its currency is destroyed, only began in February attended a secret meeting in Manhattan, where it was from a group of top investment bankers speculation attack was planned on the euro! So what is played here?

While Chancellor Merkel until the EU summit in March pretending to defend the stability of the euro, waved through everything now: the 750-billion package is suddenly "no alternative" and necessary "to defend our currency" to .

Merkel constantly says things that sound as polished as if they came straight from a top PR agency - but they are so true? "The failure of the € ... . Then it fail, then fail the idea of European unity, "she said, for example, in her speech in Aachen on the occasion of the Charlemagne Prize to the Polish Prime Minister Tusk But if fails the euro, Europe must fail for a long time - on the contrary, a collaboration a Europe of nations within the meaning of de Gaulle and Adenauer would strengthen Europe. We can no mammoth bureaucracy in Brussels work very well together as sovereign states for common goals, without ruining EU directives, entire industries and agriculture, and without an army of soulless technocrats who frittered our tax dollars.

If the crisis would not pass to the future of the euro are the consequences for Europe and beyond, "foreseeable. What do you mean by that?

What supposedly" defend our currency, "is a remake of the dictates of Versailles. Let us remember that Germany was assigned by the victorious powers of World War II, the sole blame for the war - a thesis which is now received by any serious historian more upright - and then had to pay reparations, the economic power of the German economy by far exceeded. The Reichsbank helped by the fact that they just printed money. Inflation has been quite a while not visible But in spring 1923 it exploded as hyperinflation, and after half a year, all were suddenly billionaires - could buy only one is for nothing.

spite of the "rescue package" of 750 billion euros, the euro fell in only five days (!) By six cents, some financial people to talk about it, that he will fall to 0.75 $, which would have an enormous impact on inflation. The The main problem are not the Greeks, Spaniards or Portuguese, for the countries that provided totals flow right back to the banks with which these countries are in debt. These banks speculated cheerfully continue in high-risk area, and many of them are now being investigated by the U.S. banking regulator SEC and the New York Attorney General for fraudulent operations and are already partly charged, such as Goldman Sachs - the bank over which the Greek statistics "embellished" and that the accession of Greece to Euro Group has accomplished

The policy of the EU Commission, ECB, IMF and the Fed, simply by different methods as much to print money as needed to the high risk casino continues to maintain, and simultaneously in all countries to enforce brutal austerity policies. the is the unfortunate combination of hyperinflation in 1923 and austerity like that of Reich Chancellor Brüning early thirties, a combination that will lead to mass poverty, mass unemployment and a general collapse of the economy. This defense of "our currency," speaks of Mrs. Merkel had, does indeed incalculable consequences for Europe and beyond, "namely a global hyperinflation because the ECB is now just the same as previously, the Bank of England with her" made quantitative easing and the Fed with its TARP Program have -. Print namely money

The site Bloomberg reported that on May 4 and 5, as the Greek crisis on Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy began to spread, each sell government bonds and no wanted to buy. Then Mrs. Merkel was put under enormous pressure to give up their resistance against further bailouts, she received calls from President Barroso, Sarkozy, Brown and even twice by Obama, that everything must be done to "save €" the. You waved and said Suddenly, the Mega-Governing package was "no alternative".

Somehow this reminds big in the way, as reported in November-December 1989 Helmut Kohl of Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterrand and Bush Sr. put under pressure, the D-Mark - give as a prize for the reunion - against better knowledge . Thatcher, then Minister of carbon through their Ridley compare with Hitler, the reunited Germany was as 4th Reich called. Mitterrand threatened, according to a biography of him was by Jacques Attali with a new edition of the Triple Entente and war, and Bush on self-containment of Germany through the submission into the corset of the Maastricht Treaty. Kohl himself had earlier said that a European monetary union without political union could work.

But to enforce this policy unit do now that the euro has predictably failed, the bright madness. Germany is due to its population and economic strength already the largest contributor in the EU and is in addition to Holland, Finland and Austria to the four single Current account surplus countries of the EU. That is, Germany would have to pay back the lion's share of the debt crisis: The same as in dictation Versailles in 1919 would now lead to exactly the same result: hyperinflation in 1923, only this time worldwide.

If Mrs Merkel this policy "no alternative" calls, then she means rather their surrender to Barroso, Sarkozy, Brown and Obama, like coal at that time thought she had to yield to the pressure. For there is indeed an alternative to this hyper-inflationary policy. This is actually in the U.S. Senate to vote in the form of an amendment that the of the Senators Cantwell, McCain, Feingold, Kaufman and Harkin has introduced and which involves the re-introduction of separate banking system, the so-called Glass-Steagall standards. Latest information from Washington is that there is a majority in the Senate for this bill, but that the mobilization necessary to vote because the administration wants to allow only the Volcker-law full of loopholes for speculators. Of this vote depends on the fate of the world.

If the vote proceeds positively, then we need to do in Europe once the same: establish a separate banking system, commercial banks and protect the common good, while looking at the investment banks themselves can and its offshoots, as they bring their books in order - without tax money!

The Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe on 30 June 2009 a memorable sentence like, in which it has described the behavior of the Federal Parliament from voting on so-called "collateral law" to the Lisbon Treaty was unconstitutional. In it, the constitutional judges including noted that the EU is not a federation but a confederation of sovereign states is . It is this principle is violated by the proposals of Rehn and Rompuy they want May 20 to enforce at the next EU summit,

belongs to one of the many misconceptions about the euro, the statement Kohl in April 1998.: "The . € will make you forget the Mark "As the newsletter of the WGZ-Bank reports wanted, according to recent surveys, 44.05% of Germans back the DM (47.98% for the conservation of the euro) - a number that according to the strong decline of the euro and the mega-bailout package have changed considerably to the disadvantage of the euro is likely fans.

to the question of whether bankruptcy States should be excluded from the EU, with 51.87% answered yes (31.24% no), whether Germany is to give financial support 63.88% 22.98% no, and yes, and whether Germany from € 53.27% no benefit, and 33.52% in the affirmative.

If we are not the terrible error of 28 June 1919 to November 1923 and repeat the 1992 do, then Germany must renounce all treaties since the Maastricht Treaty, to which it is entitled under international law absolutely, because each country can resolve international contracts if they violate his fundamental interests.

Our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents remember - if they are still alive - yet the incredible destruction of life savings by the hyperinflation of 1923 and by stories almost all Germans have a word of it. We also have the failure of Brüning's austerity policies, the resulting unemployment and finally as a result of the policies of Hitler and Schacht in our historical consciousness. If we want that civilization collapsed again in a disaster, then you support the struggle of BüSo for a separate banking system and the re-introduction of the D-Mark!

Friday, May 7, 2010

60s Chrome Dining Chairs

Bücher bei

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Westerville, Oh Waxing

by and for students

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Valerian Root Tea Vs Chamomile

Twisted World

This does not mean one of, if you look at the surrender negotiations look to the VSS .. . So the the trial was still going on as follows:

2010-05-01 09:01:28
of Mozii ( PM / A / X delete )
what the VSS can have great support xD
The only one that can do anything gscheit I am, and that is seldom ...

We think he has probably also right, after all, most members of the settler establishment Wings simply too small and it is not our goal that the game fun to rob, but the day went on:
the deadline came then However, a surprising post (our claims were 400 to 18 clock):

2010-05-01 17:47:26
of Mozii ( PM / A / X )
; delete global
The members of the VSS have decided with a strong majority that VSS will not capitulate.
Although we have hardly anything to offer, but let not the Meta in sound sowiso if we are already at war and we should get out now.
maximum of 300m, but it's not down ^ ^

What now? You can do anything and want to support your meta? can It's not our goal to make the kids ready, but we interpret this message for help but it's the obvious invitation of Mozii that we are the children now officially lay siege? They just do that, is it just about utilization of our capacities the only way that the VSS is to the meta to really help.

The great majority of the VSS so will the war and let them have it now. Now they can fully support their meta least. I can not tell that this is unfair, after all have little chances to fight back when they are active enough and take forward their actions and perhaps going on and even produced one or the other, which even after the war to me an invitation to The WSD gets, in general, we treat our opponents with dignity eventually. However, I expect the more surrenders and withdrawals alliance, for until now has not cut out from the VSS.

Tell me Know when the world has turned again and EL is not more head.

far So,

Patron Saint Of Urine Infections

The smell of money ...

... arrived nice and slow in the WSD. After several single player surrenders in recent days, hours paid for all D ~ W. The reasons are as varied as understandable: In the active players the support and the clout to align a lone soldier missing something against us and the inactive can just fight poorly. Furthermore, my price range well below what I would call a "standard" and the possibility for so little cash get out the war was a unique opportunity. With the guards immediately fall away 4 players who have tried in the war actually make something surrendered ultra fred already a few days ago due to lack of cooperation and internal tensions, Fil3tex flew occasionally attacks against us, Revisiator fought very stable and the Almighty has after 80g-loss again nachgeproddet enough that he would harm us again.

are currently we are in negotiations with the VSS, the war seems in its final phase. Above all, the surrender of the D ~ W creates us back spare capacity, so that the remaining Metateile in the coming days, an increased pressure to get to feel.